Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Motivation

Happy MONDAY!! Who needs some motivation to make it through Monday?

I know I do. Every Monday morning. Therefore, I'm making this the first official Monday Motivation, which will be happening weekly. That should give us all something to look forward to!

So, let's get to it. I was reading my latest issue of Runner's World magazine while eating a hearty breakfast one morning and as I turned the page, this picture stole my attention my attention:

This is Fauja Singh - He turned 100 years old last year before finishing his 8th marathon in October! As he crossed the finish line, he became the oldest man to ever finish a 26.2 mile marathon run, which also secured his spot in the Guinness Book of World Records!

Fauja wasn't always a runner. I guess you could say he was more of a jogger. He actually didn't start running long distances competitively until he turned 89 years old! Before he was a runner he was a farmer. While I couldn't find much information about his "farm in peasant country of India", he left that life 11 years ago after the death of his beloved wife. He needed something to do to keep living on and he chose to be active.

Due to his aged teeth becoming softer and his elderly age, he has became a vegetarian, but he actually consumes mostly tea with ginger, yoghurt, and water. He only speaks in his native language and can not read nor write.

I challenge you all to try something that will challenge you, whether it be body or mind. General George Patton once said: "If you are going to win any battle, you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do... the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

Have a happy Monday!