Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Beginnings

 It's the beginning of a new day! A beautiful February on the farm. What will I see when I go check for babies?

These are the thoughts that go through my head each morning when i wake up. I'm a morning person. My husband is NOT. It's a good compliment though. He doesn't get mad if I choose to go to the gym in the mornings. But this morning will be different. Look what I found in the goat shed:

Miss Way and her first kid!

We have 17 veteran does and one first timer ready to kid. Guess which doe decided to kid first. But she is doing an outstanding job. "Miss Way", the new mama, gave birth to one healthy paint doe kid that is full of life. This is my natural high! This is what fuels me!

Miss Way's Baby Paint

Agriculture fuels me everyday - It is my passion and it provides me with nourishment to help me get through my active day. I love being able to walk outside to check my animals or head to the fields to help plant soybeans. In order to live life to the fullest, we NEED Agriculture!

Checking for the bean seed after the first run through.

My other passion is Fitness. I love to work out, which may include carrying buckets of water during winter (Not this winter!) to save our hoses or helping the husband build fence. I love to run and I love my group fitness classes at the local gym. I love to give others encouragement and help them feel like they have achieved their goals. I feel that more than ever, my fitness friends are getting the wrong impression about what is healthy and not healthy (ahem - beef and pork and cheese - ahem) and also where it comes from. It is always my pleasure to let them know otherwise.

Finishing the OKC Memorial Half Marathon!

This is why I've chosen to start blogging. I feel since I live everyday in agriculture that I should help tell agriculture's story. And if you are reading this and agree, then you should do it, too! Gotta love new beginnings!

My Professional Mugshot

Thanks for Reading,
